Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I've been on a re-reading kick lately.  Of course, from the few reviews I've managed to post on this blog it may be easy to assume that I usually re-read books, since two of the four are re-reads.  But it's actually something a rarely do.  Until lately.  I've discovered a certain adventure in reading over again a book I haven't read for ten years--it gives me a chance to meet myself as I used to be, to remember how a book affected me then and mark how I've changed by the way it affects me now.  Sometimes the experiences ends in disillusionment with a once-beloved book.  Sometimes I fall more deeply in love.

The next handful of reviews are all books I read ten or fifteen years ago, during my adolescence and early young adult years, and that I hadn't picked up since.  I'm behind, so the reviews will be brief (I'm always trying to convince myself that I can do "brief").  I hope you enjoy them.

What are some of your favorite books that have stood the test of time, that have grown with you?  Are there books you regularly re-read?  Any books that have been ruined for you by treading over words that should have remained in the sanctum of youthful memories?

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